YO everyone. Specially here to update my rotting blog. (:
My blog is seriously rotting like hell, same goes to baby'sblog.
Going to help him update later , heheh. :D
Life is still alright. One week of Holidays doesnt seems like
holidays to me. Went back to school for at least for 3 days.
Volleyball trainings and remedial for Science.
Completed half of my holiday assignments, lazy to touch them.
WHhahaha, school reopen tomorrow. Boredom starts tmrw.
HUIYU! Time to wake up and buck up. EOY is waiting for you.
You got to get promoted to SEC4 EXPRESS !
I hope i can.
Hoping baby could also do well for his Nlevels.
Got to go, just create a twitter account. Sick of plurking already.
Hhahaha, update next time. Leave me a tag.
Missing baby! :D